Collection Of Poetry by Jerry Reynolds

Haiku, Senryu, Tanka Poems

Poems, Short Stories, Essays by Jerry Reynolds

random thoughts inspired on walks
experiencing life through five senses

lemonade sunrise-
world awakens
under dew blanket


bird songs-
wordless poems
of love



Trashcan light
Reveals man sleeping
Beneath naked woman
Made of stone.


flaunts last flourish
of summer


washes face
with snow



The sweet smell of a woman
right here in the grass.
Ahh, another and another-

Stop pulling my chain
you silly twit.

She left promises of love
right here in the grass.
This way toward the meadow-

Again with the chain
you are insane.


one pearl of water
on the screen


explosion of yellow
atop spring snow



From the tropics she came
with a roar, dark and prolonged,
sketching herself with rain
playing her squally song
on roof-tops and windowpanes.


puppy love
candy and a charm
on Valentines Day


in one gulp
we have swigged down
a winter



time stops-
if you stop
long enough
to hear it


selecting mate
a feral cat


morning forecast
a hip ache



The state of things in play
evokes a time near reached
where the dreadfulness
we are running from
is no worse than the horror-
we are running to


on ladies day
she tips generously
at the carwash


snow captive
persistent garden waits
the pardon of spring



Inside a heart ache
Chilled to the bone
Struggle, no escape
Scared to be alone.


basket of fetch-balls
can’t toss


evening fog
steals the landscape
seagull witnesses



Taste the whispers
Their truth is deeper
Than the screams.
Smell the silence
Embrace the odor
Of everything.


Sun setting in west
gentle breeze blowing in tree
impatiens snag rays


frost covering all
this morning, reminder of
winter yet to come



The contour of loves gone
Are far more elusive than the
Stubborn shapes drawn
Of loves that never were.


mild autumn breezes
flowers beginning to sing
summers siren song


what pals we were then
flying June bugs on a string
boys at summers end



good and bad
are the rich earth
in which art is born.


throws out arms
with abandon


mourning tea-
the fortuneteller
cleans glasses



Summer love beware
hearts may stray by Fall.
Love lost but once flared
better than no love at all.


to be alone
ice storm


small dog
pees on snow bank
cold walk



From dearth of use
The path once walked
Embraces wonders lost
Awaiting return of you


snow bank
radiant bright
car lights


light snow
silently falling
plow scrapes



A tree of lost loves
Grows in the wetlands
Of silence

Bearing poison fruit
For the soul
Of the romantic

Love asks of you
Once and once only
Live in the moment


maple turns
little dog stops sniffs pees
on impatiens


cardinal bathes
in terrace dish
a divine splash



The batter digs a solid ditch,
catcher decides on a pitch
batter squares - strike three.
Fastballs high are such a bitch.


cherry trees once full
of blossoms


what shape is our place
unseen companion on walks
brief glimpse in glances



Wondering Gods clutter land
Full of good starts and bad endings
A child of another where
Longing for my home.


small dog walking
sturdy silver haired lady
braces for cold breeze


harvest moon
rooster on the gate
quiet night



after evening tea-
the fortuneteller
cleans her glasses
riveted guests await
her erudite predictions
parsing every phrase,
word, and syllable
Looking for love, joy,
fame, and fortune in-

“Those who look west
will miss the sunrise.”


autumn looms
cold rain gusty wind
dampens spirit


harvest moon
sips from terrace dish
at summer end



Watering her flowers
with her new device.
Cute as a ladybug
pumping and spraying
now once now twice.
Dancing on the line
between a moment poetic
and coveting a wife.


cold air from regions north
announce autumn


window north
spring and summer
arrive and go forth



Eating his crackers in bed
Thinking of chardonnays and reds
Puzzled by woodas and shouldas
He wished he had chosen Goudas
A top these crackers instead.


greatest treason
not against governments
lies to people


wind gust
shirt flies open
at mailbox



No use she made
of young boys at all
except for the late-night
booty call.


small fruit fly
looking for the pear
just ate


vivid dream
conflict no resolution
rainy day nap



Your last lover entered the room
Silk shirt and a Stetson hat
Tight jeans ready to act
Heads turned eyes did moon
Dear lady-friend of mine
This would be a perfect time
To place your tender hand in mine.


cannot decide
to be fat with no wrinkles
or skinny with them


blue sky
oh to be a small fluffy
white cloud



Grackles evicted
Robins in the topiary
Crows shot up tulips
During prayer meeting
Catbirds had a
Visceral response
Doves pray for peace


fall moving
winters gusting breath
will soon begin


committed against people
devil dance



Something’s wrong
I can feel it
Hiding inside a sunny day.

Trees burning,
People drowning
We’ve had our better days.

Ice is melting
Earth is shifting
Nature doesn’t love us anymore.

Crimes of diversion
By us, and our fathers
Bring shame to her planet.

What held it together
In good and bad weather,
Finished grieving and moved on.

She cleans another of many,
Good starts, with bad endings
Unless, we woo her love today.


storm off shore
deciding to come or go
hunker down


warming sun
woodpecker tapping
roof shingle



In this land to the bone
There are two kinds of folks
Quality ones who count and
Trashy ones who don’t.

Nothing we won’t forgive
Quality folks who count
Nothing we wont do to
Trashy ones who don’t.


brown sparrow
breakfasting on scraps
lodged in deck


drinking from
terrace dish



A-Tisket a-Tasket
You wouldn’t get a-vaxit
Now your prideful ass-kit
Rests in a casket.


willows turn
yellow to green
one spring day


songbird in willow
spring mating



She was struggling
Bound by the water
Soon to die
I fished her out
Laid her on the deck to dry
She flexed gossamer wings
Until she could fly
Days later, the same refrain
To her rescue again, I arrived
To prevent her repeated
Attempt at suicide


taken from old car
picnic’s past


blackberry creepers
with fragrant pallid blossoms
social distance



Pockets filled with stones
We sink in the same sad river
If at the end of a week of work
You can’t afford ten percent to
Church or charity, fifteen percent
Put away for a rainy day
And fashion a happy life on
The seventy five percent left over
Regardless of political opinion
There is nothing here for you.


foraging in oak


chilling rain
dark and gloomy day
fell asleep



Tombstones pearly white
Heel toe plant the colors
Ore rolling hills out of sight
Gunpowder dreams gone a flutter
This for you my better brother


phone rings
nap interrupted
dream lost


man watches dog
terrace flowers wind dance
basement door closes



Poor man gives a biscuit
Baker gives a loaf
God savors the biscuit
Devil gets the loaf


spring perfume
locust trees in bloom
calming walk


old moon
sees clearly in the
rear view



walk in the park
hand in hand town clock tolls
moment well played
on the harp of an angel
glorious performance


chasing man in van
blithe fall day


four thirty a.m.
the gentle touch of her hand
we napped until eight



Their love songs, sung
the stardust comes,
carrying the essence of life.
Could this be the one
to bring their child?


sun setting
gentle breeze blowing in tree
impatiens snag rays


pretty girl walking
young man throwing away trash
he never noticed



Her love was easy
Like footsteps of a breeze.
My love was contraband
Like ragweed in the sand.
On a plain in my heart
The Lord not to be
Battles could have been.


optimistic day
brightly shines a joyful sun
do something fun day


blackbirds frolicking
selecting suitable mates
their nests soon to make



Love soft as a sweet potato sky
Three geese lumbering in formation
Eastward towards the sound.
I know enough about precious.
To bide here at this moment,
For longer than a while
When you write about it and you will
Don’t weigh it down
With metaphor and symbol.
Remember I was here
And I love you.


tranquil dawn
gull banks against wind
quickly gone


shadows longer
breezes wafting cooler
evening birds bathe



From the tropics she came
with a roar, dark and prolonged,
sketching herself with rain
playing her squally song
on roof-tops and windowpanes.


dresser drawer pull
wobbly becoming unscrewed
find the screwdriver


frost covering all
morning reminder
winter yet to come



the position that
conservatism is set to
defend is the state of things
both good and awful
liberal best possible
state of things.


the world struggles to
awaken from enthralment
time dances to night


geese flying
along the tree tops
frost nibbles



Summer and fall fell in love
Winter, a sweet child cool and fair
Left home for a bluebird
With flowers in her hair
Unsheathed together
On the meadow of time
Spring and summer
Smelling the emotion
I knew you before
But when and where


dark and gray
muted colors snow lingers
throw seeds to bird’s


unlucky sperm knock
on equally hapless eggs
asking to be borne



From this window north
I have watched summer
Arrive and go forth
Autumn flaunts some color
Promising days of wonder


on the doves release
sympathetically we
dream of lasting peace


shallows of
the mind birds chirp fish fracture
the surface for food



Three dogs, frolicking
at the bottom of a steep hill.
Illuminated by a dim street light,
one brown, one black, one white.
A metaphor in the making for sure
of what remains obscure.


clouds race in the sky
talking to the vale below
we are white with thirst


woke this morning
hip hurting
snowstorm coming



In the catacombs of my mind
I taste the smell of you
Will linger here for a while
The sun warms my face.


soccer ball
colorful reminder
of youth.


in the yard
weed crusade rages
unwinnable war



fresh morning coffee
dripping into carafe
from terrace dish
a chickadee gently drinks
new day awakening.


cold january
meteor stripes night sky
bell rings afar


boiling in a pot
jumbo shrimp for mom and pop
dipped in butter yum



If in your life it starts to rain
You could jump on a bus
Maybe even an airplane
As for me I prefer a quatrain.


wild turkeys in yard
eight days after thanksgiving
can’t fault their timing


terrace flowers
drooping from autumn rain
dismal gray day



The contour of loves gone
Are far more elusive than the
Stubborn shapes drawn
By loves that never were.


close friend his knife
working calmly on a feast
mr. chopper and he


what's for dinner
sausage and peppers with a
side of bright string beans



In the depth of winter,
I am buoyed by your spirit.
One lingering flower,
Determined to open
In a season of adversity.


Haiku composed
with nature not listening
is it Haiku


barbara’s garden
captive in snow awaiting
the pardon of spring



I decline a ridiculous request
You angrily suggest
In our next life I will recover
Keep in mind, my dear lover
The bargain is ‘til death do us part.
Should you find me, in your restart?
You will need again to woo me over.
A benefit, you will discover
In slivers of lives past reflection
I chance glimpse none of this one.


new color
in a russet yard
crocus blooms


like a bird she sang
stunningly in her school play
proud witness were we



Somewhere in my mind
I know I have been stealing time
From the reaper silently summing.
Will I die for the person I was
Or the person I see coming?


made golden by sun
clouds drifting past window
speak softly of springtime


brisk spring day
garage door installer
takes screws from pocket



After Sixty years- please
Consider this sage advice
In conservation of dignity
Asses should never be
Beneath their knees.


earthworms leave
small mounds of black dirt
spring aeration


cardinal inserts red
to gray-brown
monotone terrace



Gently carrying Blossoms
From fruit trees plucked
Around her a dust devil-swirled
As she braced the crisp
Morning air.
She was an old wife
Not mine.
Silently she went her way
Me another.
In the moment
Some love was discovered.


uncle skitter roams
round the ghettos of my mind
sweet gentle hobo


in the crystallized
hollows of the mind
a vision of you



Refuse man comes
leaving debris behind.
Wind scatters small
Bags and containers
Once proud holders
Of choice fruits, ripened.
Now discarded, all
Usefulness eclipsed.
Evoking loves forgotten.
Unseen drifters wafting
On the winds of time.


walk along
a snow covered path north
please sweet louie shit


stress is a mad dog
randomly biting in all
directions at once



Bidding good buy
to her spring beginnings
River heads for the see.
Never to return
to where she came from
canyon walls rise above her
carved by ancient siblings.
An eagle soars above her
breakfast trout in its talons.
Eroding her rock-lined floor
part sun part stone
River becomes a share
of all, she washed over.
River will be the see.


bad news today
whats-app out of date
how to go on


daughter joy for life
imprinting with warm stare
that’s father there



When I lose -
and I do quite often
I start again
with added caution.
Dusted off
I count my blessings
But I never -
lose the lesson.


small buds on the trees
forecasting the strength of spring
outside calling


soon snowing
men attach blade to pickup
truck becomes snowplow



Uncle John, always carping,
Felt no need for stopping
At stoplights or signs
In the summer of 1949
Said he had no crave
Of any government faction
To tell him how to behave
At a traffic intersection.


clubhouse door fastened
pandemic distress showing
charon awaiting


flower caddy



A slight breeze
From the west-north
Entice the willows
To dance in the nude
To a symphony
Of bird song


vibrantly bathing
terrace dish


small dog barking
at small dog barking
ladies turn away



A wise man once said
Risk it all to be free.
If your anger be crimson-red
It will limit what you see.


stay with me
until my last breath
covid 19


nature’s declaration
spring is here



It’s someone’s fault
There is no doubt.
The beer, cold and stout
But the chips have no salt.


are dreams disposed of
raging on the winds of time
dead bird feathers


morning frost gone by
noon winter possesses dawn
spring emerging



Though not in fashion
I would never regret
Even under a threat
Following my passion

what shape is the wind
unseen companion on walks
brief glimpse in grasses


after fifty years
asses should, certainly not
be below their knees



Once we walked hand in hand
Two hearts beating as one,
But now you've gone and left me
And the love we had is done.
I thought we'd be forever,
But forever was too long,
Our love was just a moment,
Now it's time to move on.


making the bed
one thing completed
fruitfully today


an acorn necklace
contouring her native breasts
drifters gaze caught



I seized a dry stick—
When snapped, it made a click
I endeavored to use it as a wick
But sadly, it was woefully thick


cold acerbic wind
man bundled in warm layers
shivering small dog


winters day
on the border of
freezing rain



Bacon in the Smokehouse
Becky left the door open.
Tommy gonna sneak a piece
Poppa gonna be so mad.


spring child
gift of love
for life


the season of lent
make a promise to yourself
keep it forty days



At the door, he stood with candy
I would have chosen flowers.
I am not a girl so fancy
My boyfriend needs to cower.


grocery shopping
forgot the coupons
shoppers faux pas


valentine day shopping
candy for lovers



From the time born
I have been alone.
From mother’s womb torn
Unwanted skin and bone.


dog wets shrub
disapproving dog
barks anger


breath-to-breath we meet



In the catacombs’ of hearts
Storms from yesterday
Endanger today
Threatening tomorrow


face in tree
moment of wonder
just timber


small bird looking
for seeds on balcony
will fly should I rise



Though greatly we try
the hungry cannot be fed.
It's not the will we lack
or ability, in fact-
the rich, we can’t satisfy.


rider approaches
while alert to recognize
the unexpected


hellos and goodbyes
we seem much better at those
than the space between



On the dusty road of my heart
I taste the love of all of you.
Tomorrow will be the after
Enjoy today for longer than a while.


rooster on the gate
illuminates a calm night
harvest moon


truth imposed
is not equivalent to
truth arrived at


hot day the cold beer
crackled, slurped and swooshes to
life in a cold glass


in the corridors
of a heart vainly seek
fragments of hope


glasses await
atop doctors head
summer check-up


keep eyes on the line
draw economically
eye hand together


doctors waiting room
watched like ripening fruit by
the angel of death


phone call-up
sister in emergency
pending grief


my sister died
though I say it fast
the dent of pain


soulful recall
sweet in my memory


a game we played
past bedtime


the sock wars
take aim, when cars pass
by the lights


standing in bathtub
night sky awash, with Fire-Works
county fair ends


drying dishes
clumsy you- breaks one
penalty applied

no longer do you
get to dry dishes


bright moon
sips from the lake
of wisdom


train to the city
reading a romance novel
a quiet sketch


toxic romance
his kisses taste like gun oil
a loving cop


how scary to be
traveling alone
facing the unknown
waiting for deaths
fierce brightness


thread rudely removed
from the tapestry of me
by the weaver


lure caught in willow
finger imperiled on lure
On face a Katydid lands

you know I’m not a swimmer
take me from this dreadful place


death fans
the smoldering embers
of childhood


what begun ends
after seventy-six laps
around a sun blossom


those times I thought to
but did not


the thin skin
of love


the dialects
of memories


our wakes
summon the legends
of families


a riddle you cannot


spring’s first day
a honeysuckle moons
journey starts

the frontier of death


ashes away
final resting place
river decides



Grievers on a hillside,
Facing the Rappahannock
Pallbearers scatter solemnly
Her ashes among rose petals
Onto an outbound tide
Ashes away, mournful day
Beaches shoals an ocean await
Her final resting place left for
The river to decide



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